Opening on May 25, 6 – 8 pm:
Official welcome by Reiner Speck
Introduction by Henning Weidemann
O. M. Ungers Haus am Kämpchensweg, Cologne
Kämpchensweg 58 (Access via Eschenallee)
50933 Köln-Müngersdorf
One day contains everything.
There is silence. There is joy.
Minimum for maximum.
Greatest economy.
Cosmic time to human scale.
Individual life broad as universe.
A diary.
A self portrait.
These paintings are time. They take it and give it away.
They move toward the viewer and away with him.
They transform themselves in him for it is he who shifts them into a subjective
shade of time and recreates them. And yet they continue to exist, indeed by simply existing they are the most basic form of dialogue.
A dialogue that never demands affirmation nor negation, but decision - even if without compassion, for this picture in this moment, that is, in time!*
Viewing becomes a process of yielding my own sense of logic to the alien logic- the non logic of my imagery.
The images are like trains of thought or isolated thoughts that never reach a determinate end.**
A painting can be a whole day in a life.
– Tobias Pils –
*Ferdinand Schmatz
**Richard Shiff
Oil on canvas
200 x 190 cm
Courtesy Galerie Gisela Capitain
© Tobias Pils
Oil on canvas
200 x 190 cm
Courtesy Galerie Gisela Capitain
© Tobias Pils
Installation view, Tobias Pils / On Kawara, The passage of time, Bibliotheca / Collection Reiner Speck, Cologne, 2023
Installation view, Tobias Pils / On Kawara, The passage of time, Bibliotheca / Collection Reiner Speck, Cologne, 2023
Installation view, Tobias Pils / On Kawara, The passage of time, Bibliotheca / Collection Reiner Speck, Cologne, 2023
Installation view, Tobias Pils / On Kawara, The passage of time, Bibliotheca / Collection Reiner Speck, Cologne, 2023
Installation view, Tobias Pils / On Kawara, The passage of time, Bibliotheca / Collection Reiner Speck, Cologne, 2023